Thursday 25 July 2013 - July Rudz Beer Tasting Dinners with Joe Apa featuringre Lone Pint Bewery from Magnolia, Texas

by rudyards | July 25th, 2013

Join us the last Thursday of each month* as Joe Apa, formerly of T’afia and Plum Easy Kitchens brings together food and beer. Seating is limited to 40 so signup online or at the bar ahead of time.


July Beer Dinner featuring Lone Pint Brewery from Magnolia, Texas

Yep, right from the heart of Texas, WHOLE CONE HOPS, no pressed pellets here…cold, tasty beers brewed with style. Rudyard’s is pleased to welcome the brewers from Lone Pint to the July Monthly Beer Dinner. The beer line-up includes Yellow Rose, Lily and Seamus, Gentleman’s Relish, The Jabberwocky, and 667: Neighbor of the Beast.

So come on and sign up for an evening with Lone Pint, Mark Nichols from Favorite Brands, John, Eric and the Rudyard’s crew. We will be serving 5 tasty course of food to pair with these extrordinary beers. Hope to see you there!



P.S. And yes, it’s air conditioned

Seating is limited. Early sign-ups get a $5 per person discount, so before July 21st the beer dinner is $45 per person…after that it goes to $50 per person.