Thursday 29 October 2015 - Rudyard’s Beer Tasting Dinner featuring selections from Saint Arnold Brewing Company

by rudyards | October 27th, 2015

Join us one Thursday every month as Joe Apa, formerly of T’afia and Plum Easy Kitchens, brings you food carefully paired with beer selections from some of the finest breweries around. Each month features a different brewery and a unique dining experience. Prices vary for each dinner but reserving before the Monday of the dinner will get you the early bird discount. Sign up at the bar or online at

October Beer Tasting Dinner
Featuring Saint Arnold’s Brewery

Join us for cool weather and great beers on Thursday, October 29th at 7pm for the 95th Monthly Beer Dinner. St Arnold is featuring Santo, Art Car, Divine #14, Bishop’s Barrel #4 and 2015 Pumpkinator. It’s going to be great and with those big beers, we are going for big flavors! 5 courses, 5 beers, $50 per person until 10.26; then it’s $55 per person. Sign-up today!!!